Lights! Camera! Action!

 Lights! Camera! Action!                                                                                             8th November 2021

LO: to explore the use of camerawork in films                                                             



3. Sonic 



Close up
Extreme close up
Medium close up

Long shot

Low shot
Canted Angle

Point of view shot

High shot

1. A pedestal
2. A pan or a tilt
3. A panning 
4. A dolly

Setting and colour                                                                                                     22nd November 2021
LO- to explore the use of setting and colour in films

1.  because if it's isolated that means there won't be any chance of getting help when they go there
2.  a big city is well populated so there is a lot of action and more dangerous/exciting 
3. because its secluded and they'll be on their own
4. because they have to travel somewhere 
5. because it's about science and they might discover something in the lab

1. because blue and red are primary colours so you can't make them, so that suggests that superhero's can't be made and are original and they're also bright bold colours to make them stand out
2. because black is a dark colour and dark usually means evil or bad, or for a spy and they need to sneak around and black blends in a lot
3. because bright colours creates a happy mood, like a bright yellow sun means a happy sunny day

1. towards the end, in the middle
2. because if it wasn't set in the city there wouldn't be as many distractions or as much drama so it wouldn't be as exciting                                                                                                                                  3. it changes for every different section                                                                                                        4. it shows that different things are happening                                                                                              5. because they used establishing shots                                                                                                          6. maybe but not in a secluded place because if there wasn't any obstacles then it wouldn't be as dangerous                                                                                                                                                      7. in the future because there are things that don't exist yet and there are futuristic things                          8. futuristic things                                                                                                                                        9. because certain colours already connote with superhero's and it helps things stick out


Genre: Action/Adventure


Characters: he is the hero but based on what he's wearing it doesn't really seem like it.

PICTURE TWO - 28 Days Later




i think this could be set in a science lab, with hospitals and doctors and the colours could be green or blue. Because blue is a very futuristic colour in my opinion and is related to the hospital like what colour the doctors wear. And it's set in a lab because it's a science fiction story. I think it would be green because that's a very fresh and calm colour.


6/12/21          Photoshoot

to explore different styles of photography 

monsters and giants

- outside

- just two people (Tegan and Issy)

-quite far back to make sure everyone is in the shot



-one person and a reflective object (Tegan)

-from the side to make sure the camera person isn't in the shot

hand stars

- inside

- two people (Tegan and Issy)

-from above

looking down

- inside

- two people (Tegan and Issy)

-from below

looking up

- inside

-two people (Tegan and Issy)

- from above

17th January 2022       SOUND IN FILM

LO to explore the use of sound in film


1. screaming, loud noises, dramatic/intense music, creaky doors (horror)

2. fighting noises, car screeching (action)

3. tense music, silence so you can hear minor noises (thriller)

4. laughing, happy/upbeat music(comedy)

5. alien noises, fire/explosions, computer/futuristic noises (science-fiction)

diegetic - sounds you would hear if you were in the scene

non diegetic- sounds that only the audience can hear



  • the cat
  • dialoge 
  • the computer  
  • fighting
  • explosion
  • guns
  • window breaking

non diegetic:

  • the music
  • drums


foley is the reproduction of everyday sounds for use in filmmaking, like swishing of clothing, footsteps, creaky doors, breaking glass. 


  • guns
  • dialoge
  • clicking computer
  • door
  • putting the box down
  • blind going up
  • phone ringing
  • opening the box
  • dog barking/making noises
  • dog rolling on the floor
  • dog walking into the cabinet
  • the box moving
  • throwing the ball
  • breathing
  • crutches

1. Yes there is music
2. It's very intense and dramatic, it makes me think something dangerous is about to happen
3. When there is dialog, the music gets quieter and when the music speeds up and gets louder, the cuts get quicker
4. Something important to the story or something really dramatic, like him jumping off the roof
5. I can't tell exactly what happens but when the music goes fast, i can tell it's a really intense part and when it's silent i can tell that something shocking might've happened.
6. yes when he jumps off the roof
7. Yes some characters do speak, they sound very intense and like what they are saying us important
8. the character would describe what happens
9. Yes like explosions and shouting
10. i think most of the effects have been made louder to put more emphasise on it and to make it scarier

sounds: alien noises,test tubes banging into each other, skin peeling, running, objects crashing, wind 

music: futuristic music, weird, alien music


LO: to experiment with foley and sound effects                                                                     14/02/22

In this picture the setting is quite posh it seems like the house is rich and the guy in the middle doesn't seem like he belongs there, the props that they're holding look like weapons so maybe they're guards and making sure he doesn't run. The costumes look quite professional but the middle person is very scruffy and looks poor compared to them. His hair looks messy but it's a protective hairstyle and that could show that he is doing a lot of movement and can't have hair in his face. The two men at the sides look very serious and professional so it is clear hat they're just doing their job and aren't friends with the middle man. The one in the middle doesn't seem that serious but also doesn't look like he's having fun. The picture has low-key lighting which makes the mood seem more serious and intense. The colours are neutral which could just show an important space and that it needs to be professional. The fact that the two men are stood surrounding the middle man could suggest that they're guards and the shot is a mid/long shot to show the outfits and props while still being able to see facial expressions.

I would use greys, blue maybe green a neutral setting with low-key lighting but white led lights because it's in a lab so it needs to be precise and bright lights create a clean look. The outfits would be white lab coats and have goggles on for safety. There would be yellow hazard signs on each wall to show warnings. The facial expressions would be serious or maybe shocked if an experiment had gone wrong with the alien. The alien would be laying on the table with a normal/serious expression. There could be floating things since it's in the future and there will be different computers maybe some that you can just talk to and it will do it itself. There would be blood and skin on the side but it would be really organised since its futuristic and also a science lab so it would obviously be really clean and have cleaning liquids everywhere. To show that it's on a space ship there could be windows, the doors would be automatic and metal, there would be holograms and not everyone would be human (created through hair and make up). The different props would be a table, test tubes, robots and lots of scientific posters. The body language would be very serious and the camera would be focused on the alien on the table, using a mid long shot making sure you could see robots and out the windows to make sure everyone can see that it's a spaceship.

Video Clip


-tv/video game

-toilet flush

-brushing teeth

-coffee machine

-control clicking



-tap running



Task 2

-open a door (creaking chair)


-turning on a computer

-dripping tap (tapping pencil)

-a storm (tapping nails)

-different footsteps

-running (fast footsteps)


7/03/22  LO: to explore the disaster movie genre                      Disaster Movies

 The Impossible (the aftermath of a deadly tsunami)

1. The main character is male

2. Yes

3. natural disaster

4. Yes

5. Yes

6. At least one character dies

Twister (Bill and Jo Harding, advanced storm chasers o the brink of divorce, must join together to create am advanced weather alert system by putting themselves in the cross-hairs of extremely violent tornadoes)

1. The main character is male

2. Yes

3. natural disaster

4. Yes

5. Yes

6. Someone dies

Titanic (the 1912 sinking of the RMS titanic)     

1. The two main characters are male and female

2. Yes 

3. Natural

4. One of the main characters survives

5. The characters have to escape the ship by getting on a door

6. Someone dies

My Movie - Sophia

1. In my film there is an earthquake and there is a family (mum,dad,son and daughter) who can't find each other, but then they find each other apart from the one child (sophia) with foot problems, the family know the child can't walk that far and is in trouble. The family got a notification that the police have found a body of a child that fits the exact description of their daughter who's gone missing and they start to think the worst but still go to look but thankfully the body wasn't their daughter. The family decide to try and make themselves more happy so go out to get ice cream and at the end of the day they get home and their daughter is sat on the front porch. 

2. My film is set in the countryside in 2017

3. The mood is sad and upset because they've lost their daughter, they will have like dark, ripped clothes on and messy hair. The weather will be windy and foggy.

4. The camera would show close ups of the earthquake, mid and long shots, special effects. colours would be green, brown, yellow, blue, grey because it's in the countryside.

5. The message is earthquake safety and have a plan and make sure family sticks together. Showing how families handle an earthquake and how they can stay together even when it feels impossible.


21/03/22     LO: to efficiently develop an idea for a disaster movie


characters: man and woman

setting: hospital, forrest, abandoned places

actions: fighting, running away

props: needles, hospital equipment 

colour: blue, black, brown, red

narrative: it is the story of how some of the stranded passengers survived following the crash and their reintegration into the society they left behind.

The Challenger Disaster 

characters: men

setting: a workplace, spaceport, inside a rocket

actions: arguing, running

props: rocket, desks

colour: grey, brown, black

narrative: lots of men want to launch a rocket

Independence day

characters: men, soldiers

setting: city, spaceport/airport, moon

actions: fighting, flying

props: planes, ships, guns,

colour:blue, green, silver, grey, orange

narrative: there's an explosion and everyones trying to stop it

The Tunnel

characters: man, woman-daughter

setting; Norway, mountains, quiet

actions: trapped- rescue explosions

props: vehicles

colour; darkness- tunnel, dull, cold

narrative: safety in tunnels, family rescue

The Impossible 

characters: man, woman, three small boys

setting: paradise, beach, southeast Asia

actions: searching, fighting to get out the water

props: water, destroyed buildings

colour: blue, brown, yellow

narrative: a tsunami happens and a family has to try and survive and find each other in the water, the aftermath of the tsunami

Ad astra

characters: space-crew

setting: space, another planet, spaceship

actions: explosions, dramatic, space mission

props: rocket, astronaut suit

colour: white, black, grey, red, silver

narrative: there is a threat to life and it is the solar system, has to find and destroy the threat


04/04/22       Narrative Theory

LO:to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie

"23/3- Good start to your ideas, you need to add more on your actual disaster and how the action is surrounded by that disaster. Then T 2. More detail in describing when and where your film is set"

The film is set in 2017, and in the countryside. In Hampshire, 2017 October it was very rainy and windy quite foggy and everything around them is destroyed. The location has rolling hills with cracks in a parts missing now because of the earthquake. Their house was destroyed and they were living out of their garage which somehow survived with minimal food. There's a small river with trees fallen down into it and the bridge over it has collapsed in the middle but it's fine because you can easily jump over it if you need to. The ground has split open and trees are either completely fallen over or are slanted. The road is in between two hills with trees on them so the road has been closed due to it cracking and all the trees fallen down. There is remains of buildings all over the place and not a house that is still up in the village. It's set in the autumn. 


Equilibrium: everything in the film world is normal (not necessarily good, but it is normal)

Disruption: something happens (usually caused by the film's main antagonist) to disrupt normal life

Recognition of disruption: the protagonist/s realise that something is wrong in their world or discover the disruption

Attempt to solve: the main protagonist goes on a journey to solve the disruption

New equilibrium: the disruption is solved and a new normality occurs (things can never then be the same as they were before the disruption, but a new 'normal life' is created) 

My Film

Equilibrium: In Hampshire, the family are sat in their living room watching TV together and Sophia has gone out with her friends 

Disruption: the ground begins to shake/an earthquake happens

Recognition of disruption: Sophia gets separated from everyone else and all the houses in Hampshire get destroyed

Attempt to solve: The dad goes to look for sophia while their mum stays home with their son

New Equilibrium: The family find each other and live out of their garage until they can build a new house 

Applying Propps Theory to my film

The hero- sophia because she made it home and basically saved her life by herself

The villain- the earthquake because it separated the family

The donor- sophia's friend, Angelina because she encouraged Sophia

The helper- Angelina because she encouraged Sophia to find her family

The princess- the family because in the end they get back together and that is a reward for fighting

The dispatcher- the earthquake because that's the reason they were split up 

The princess' father- sophia because she feels responsibility over her family and its her duty to find them again

The false hero- their dad because he thinks it was up to him to find sophia but she actually did it by herself


Script Writing and storyboarding    LO: to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie     16/05/22

2017, in Hampshire a tragic natural disaster happens, separating a family. The family faces so many challenges and obstacles in order to be reunited with each other. Sophia specifically struggles to find the rest of her family due to her foot problems in this heartbreaking story.

2017, in Hampshire. Natural disaster struck, separating a family. The family faces so many life threatening challenges and obstacles in order to be reunited with each other. Sophia specifically struggles to find the rest of her family due to her foot problems in this devastating tale, was she going to find them?

1. "I'm hungry" - looking in kitchen cupboards, slamming doors, disgusted look at healthy food 

2. "I've lost the cat" - looking in small spaces, running around, making noises, looking worried

3. "I'm so tired" - shutting eyes, yawning, not paying attention, laying down

4. "I'm late for school' - rushing around, grabbing school bag, stressed out, shouting

5. "I'm really annoyed with her" - rolling eyes, not speaking, looking the other way, disgusted look


In the living room, watching TV


What time did you say Sophia is coming home?


I think she said 8pm she'd be home

ground starts to shake


Mum what's that noise?


Um I'm not sure hun, I'm sure it's fine


I think we should play a game! Lets play hide and seek,

You and mum hide and i'll seek.


That's a great idea, let's hide under the table



Yay!! Lets do it




dad goes under the kitchen table                   (in the distance)

the ground shakes even more


Dad stop shaking the table!!!!! 



Yeah stop 


the noise gets louder and shaking gets more rough

the phone rings and dad picks it up


Dad i'm okay, me and my friends are hiding in

The shopping centre, i'll be okay.

I love you


Okay good, stay safe.

I love you too.



Industry                                                                                                                            06/06/22

LO: to explore how a film is made and the various industry roles

1. director
2. writer
3. editor
4. camera men
5. producer
6. set designer

screenwriter- write scripts, their work may include writing treatments and series bibles as they build the worlds of films and shows we watch. The average salary for a screenwriter is $110,000 for a spec film script.

gaffer- the Gaffer, or Chief Lighting Technician is the head of the Lighting Department on a film set. They work in pre-production and production to help achieve the desired cinematic image through setting up lights and running cables. The average salary for a gaffer is $54,738.

ADR mixer- ADR Mixers correct dialogue and sound that was problematic in the original production. They remove background noise, re-record dialogue with lip-synching and clean up production audio. Average salary for an ADR mixer is $76,799.

There are three stages of production 

  • Pre-production (pre-production comes early in the filmmaking process, after development and before production. It involves finalising the script, hiring the actors and crew, finding locations, determining what equipment you'll need, and figuring out the budget.)
  • Production (the production stage, also known as principal photography, is when shooting begins. During this short timeframe, additional crew will be hired—like a script supervisor to check for script continuity while filming, and a property master to acquire and oversee any of your film's props.)
  • Post-production (postproduction is the editing of audio and visual materials to create a film. An editor assembles footage shot by shot, adds music (either original or licensed), and incorporates other visual and sound effects.)

Distribution is the final stage of the production process. The film must be distributed for the producers to make their money back. It is the work of these producers to strike a lucrative deal for distribution amongst the cinemas and other platforms such as Amazon Prime, Netflix, HBO etc.

They have to think about how much money they're going to sell it for and the cost for marketing and promotion.

Final stage- exhibition is the retail branch of the film industry. It involves not the production or the distribution of motion pictures, but their public screening, usually for paying customers in a site devoted to such screenings, the movie theatre.

the ways a film can be marketed:






behind the scenes 


Movie Marketing                                                                                                          20/06/22

LO: to develop an effective film marketing strategy




-social media posts/updates


-sneak peaks




-happy meals

Paddington 2 

1. posters 

2. trailers

3. digital marketing

4. publicity

5. promotions

6. merchandise 

1. on a bus, on a billboard, in/near the cinema 
2. they're trying to find the place where as many people as possible will see it
3. The film title, the director, the actors, the company, the release date or 'coming soon', a main picture of the main character or something important in the film, any credits, maybe quotes from people who have seen the film and a tagline.

1. 13 Minutes
2. Moon Fall
3. The Burning Sea
4. Greenland
5. Don't Look Up
6. San Andreas
7. The Edge
8. Disaster Movie
9. Only The Brave
10. The Finest Hours

All of these films are different but some similarities are the colours and fonts, it's usually natural colours and the primary colours they're all used a lot. The fonts are quite bold and thick, usually all in capital letters. Most of the images are action shots to show what the film is gonna include. In the films i chose, i don't think any of the actors are repeated but they are mostly male and white, this is because that is the stereotypical action main character. None of these posters have tag lines but they're usually about things ending or referring to the disaster itself, usually negative instead of optimistic. 

The movie poster suggests that there is gonna be a ship wreck considering they're on a ship in the sea so you would assume that something goes wrong with the ship and their journey. We expect the man will save the woman's life in the end and could injure himself doing that but at least he is the hero, this reinforces genre conventions as stereotypically the man would be the hero and save the day because they're seen as strong and brave. There is a tagline that says  "nothing on earth could come between them" this proves that there is romance in this film but something tries to get between them but they clearly move past it. The font style used is quite bold but it looks quite elegant suggesting one of the characters could be wealthy but it obviously still is a disaster movie so has to stick in with all the others. Sticking with the wealthy suggestion, the cruise ship on the poster also is further proof that one or both of the characters have money because going on a cruise ship isn't cheap, it is usually rich people who goes on cruises. The woman's earrings also look very expensive and as much of the clothes we can see does look more expensive than the mans s this could suggest that the woman is rich and maybe the man works on the ship and that is why people are trying to teat them apart because the woman's family doesn't want a poor man to be part of their family.In the background of the poster the sky does look quite clear so that could mean the disaster isn't to do with a storm or anything but maybe something interrupts them in the sea. The colour palette of the poster fits in with other disaster movie posters due to the use of blues, greys and yellows the use of this proves danger as yellow does have dangerous connotations, this does also fit in with the romance genre but i think it is classed as a disaster film more.  The characters faces in the poster look upset and heartbroken so maybe there is a death or something that really upsets them but this could be the fact that people/something is trying to tear them apart. It says "from the director of "Aliens", "T2" and "True Lies"' this could suggest the films are similar but it could also attract more viewers because people who like that director and the films they make could be convinced to watch it after realising who has made this film, so putting that could bring more viewers in and get more money. The same with the actors, some people may really like Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet so if they see that they'r in this film it could make them want to watch it because they assume it would be a great film if their favourite actors are in it. At the bottom of the poster there is water splashing up at the ship this could suggest the sea is quite rough or it could just be extra detail because the sky is so clear it doesn't look like a storm would be the problem.


LO: to create film marketing material                                                                            04/07/22

Conventions- a way in which something is usually done

1. Main Image 
2. Title
3. Tagline
4. Credit Block
5. Actors name/ director name

Disaster Movie Trailer                                                                                       18/07/22
LO: to create an effective trailer
1. It tells you when the film is coming out, the studio and things like "infinity"because that's something the main character says a lot
2. There isn't any voice over it's just the characters speaking
3. They've chosen key scenes in the film, like him taking off or flying.
4. There was a song in the background, random bursts of sound to create tension.
5. We saw the main characters and got an idea of where is was set and also the story in general is introduced

My Trailer:

Self assessment:
In my trailer i need to add more genre conventions and details on shot types. 


  1. 8/11/21- 4. You need to add the shot types to each image,

  2. 22/11- good notes, well done. Target: 3. explain your colour and setting choices for the final task, why did you choose them and what do they suggest.

  3. 23/3- Good start to your ideas, you need to add more on your acutal diaster and how the action is surrounded by that disaster. then T 2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set

  4. 4/7- Amazing work here, 1: Make sure that you have all the elements on your poster:
    Credit Block
    Actor names/director name
    Release date


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