Music Magazines

The Music Industry: Music Magazines                                                                      13/03/23
 LO: to explore the magazine industry ownership, regulation & revenue        
Conglomerate - a large corporation that owns a large number of media companies, such as television, radio, internet, publishing
- a big company that owns a lot of smaller companies 

Globalised - the world wide integration of media (all print, digital and electronic means of communication) through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas
- a worldwide organisation with an exchange of ideas

Diversify - where a media company moves from producing one type of product to creating different media forms
- when a company goes from producing one type of product to creating more

Regulation - to ensure the cultural diversity in media content, and provide a free space of public access and various opinions and ideas about censorship 
- to make sure there is a diverse content to provide a free and safe space for everyone

Revenue - the complete amount of money that is generated during a specific time period 
- all the money that is made during a time period

Circulation - a count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed
- the amount of how many copies are distributed during a publication

-Future PLC publish "What's on TV" 
-Immediate Media Companies publishes "Radio Times"
-H. Bauer Publishing publishes "TV Choice"
-Bauer Media Group publishes "Take a break"
-Hearst Communications publishes "Good Housekeeping"
-Conde Nast published "Glamour"
-Hearst Communications and Nat Mags publish "Inside Soap"

Bauer Media 
- They own over 600 magazines
- A UK music magazine that they publish is MOJO
- The have diversified the MOJO brand because it's given in more than one media form
- They also own radio companies and tv channels 
- Bauer Media Group is a diversified media conglomerate because they are a large company that owns lots of smaller ones and create lots of different media forms like magazines and radio

- The IPSO and IMPRESS regulate newspapers and magazines in the UK

- Magazines receive revenue from circulation, subscription, classified advertising and print advertising
- I think there has been a dramatic fall in print magazines over the past 10 years because people can read the news and magazines online now so they don't want to buy magazines
- Magazine companies are moving their products online to make more money 
Music Magazines
LO: to explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines                  24/04/23

Rock - 
the stars usually look dangerous and sometimes have tattoos 
they typically sound quite loud 
they sing about rebellion, romance and life styles

Pop -
the stars usually look quite young and wear colourful clothes
they sound quite energetic and upbeat
they sing about love and relationships

Country -
the stars usually have boots and denim on with a cowboy hat
they sound quite slow and calm but also catchy
they sing about love, heartache, hard work and personal pride 

Pop -
-The target audience for pop music is usually the younger generation, typically 16-25
-It's usually young/teens magazines feature pop music and most radio stations, unless they're specifically another genre, feature pop music


Typography - the style and appearance of printed matter, the art or procedure of arranging type or processing data and printing from it
Layout - the way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out
Lexis - the specific language and vocabulary used to engage the audience 
Colour Palette - the full range of colours that can be displayed on a device screen or other interface
Mise-en-scene - composition, props, set, actors, costumes and lighting. Everything you can see on screen when watching a film

Pop - 

Colour Palette - bright, pink, blue, yellow, red
Shot type - close up or mid shot
Typography - bold fonts, some in bubbles
Lexis - exciting and fun
Layout - mainly lots of images with one main image
Mise-en-scene - bright coloured outfits, happy people

Rock -

Colour Palette - dark colours, red, black
Shot type - mid shot or long shot
Typography - bold fonts with big writing
Lexis - straight forward
Layout - one main image
Mise-en-scene - mainly black or white clothes and holding a microphone/instrument 

Rap/hip hop -

Colour Palette - red, green, back, yellow
Shot type - up close or mid shot 
Typography - big writing and bold fonts
Lexis - straight forward and inspirational 
Layout - one main image and maybe a minor image in the corner
Mise-en-scene - baggy clothes, black, white, red, straight faces


Pop magazines -
Colour palette: pink, yellow, blue, green, red
Image content/ shot type: mid shot, long-mid shot
Typography: Bold fonts, large, bright colours 
Lexis: "It's Britney Baby" "Say Hello, Wave Goodbye"
Layout: There is usually a large photo in the middle surrounded by cover lines and maybe smaller images
Mise-en-scene: colourful, tight clothes but covered up, usually smiling with bold make up on

Rock magazines-
Colour Palette: black, dark blue, red, gold, silver, yellow
Image content/ shot type: long shot with instrument or mid shot
Typography: Large fonts, maybe broken letters or interesting fonts
Lexis: "Green Day" "Falling in Reverse 
Layout: Large image with cover lines around it
Mise-en-scene: dark clothing, quite baggy, black shirts

Rap/ hip hop magazines-
Colour Palette: red, blue, yellow, white, black, pink 
Image content/ shot type: up close, mid shot
Typography: bold fonts usually in white or red
Lexis: "Unstoppable" "Greatest" "40 Years of Hip Hop"
Layout: main image with cover lines and main cover lines
Mise-en-scene: baggy clothes, usually a jacket or baggy hoodie with chains and caps

Genre and Target Audience 
LO: to identify target audiences for a variety of music magazine genres and link to genre codes

Things to consider when thinking about your audience:
-their age
-their gender
-their interests
-things going on in their lives e.g GCSEs
-where they live
-the genre/style they like
-their religion and race

Things on a cover that could help you decide the target audience:
-colour palette
-the content 
e.g the person on the cover, the cover lines, topics mentioned
-the price
-genre/ artist
-mise en scene

Demographics - the factual data like age, gender, marital status and income
Psychographics - the lifestyles, behaviours and attitudes like personality and values

This rock magazine is targeted towards people aged 15-24 as that is 69.5% of their audience. 59% of their audience is male and we can see that through the colours used. The red used in the masthead and also cover lines create a sense of danger and violence which is stereotypical associated with men. The black is also usually known as a masculine colour relating to danger and evilness. The main image is a man which also attracts men as he may be someone that they're interested in. The man's face looks angry or like he's passionately singing which does connote to rock music, this is another way men could be attracted towards this magazine as anger is seen as a masculine trait. Only 41% of their audience is female and so they don't specifically focus on attracting women as they know men are most likely to pick up their magazine, however they do have the main man wearing normal everyday clothes which could interest everyone as he just looks like a normal person which is something they could relate to.

This magazine is focused on classical music. The people who read this magazine are highly educated and very serious and we can see this due to the lack of bright and immature colours used. There is a woman on the main image which is interesting because 51% of their audience is male however women are stereotypically associated with classical music and so this isn't out of the ordinary. The woman on the main image is smiling and so this creates a sense of relaxation, usually classical musicians are serious and smart and have a standard to behave, and so the woman smiling may make the readers seem relaxed but also whilst reading something they're interested in. The cover lines mention how the woman on the cover is helping children's music which could interest parents into wanting to find out more about her and therefore buy the magazine, this is why 505 of their readers are aged 15-34. 

T2: Try to link your analysis to the psychographic information as well as your demographic information about the audience.

1. The red used on the cover could suggest that the reader is dangerous or likes danger as that is a common connotation of the colour. Another interpretation of the colour red could be that the audience is spontaneous and it shows us why they read the magazine. The black also creates a sense of mystery which could be a reflection of the reader's character. The phrase "fight the power" has violent connotations because of the verb "fight" which could tell us that reader isn't afraid of violence and fighting for something they're passionate about. 
2. The plain and casual colours used could tell us how the reader acts but it could also suggest they're quite boring. The woman on the main image is wearing clothes that cover her body a lot which implies that the readers are also very conservative and could potentially be quite religious, maybe christian as they feel the need to cover up.
L - (media) Language 
I - Industry 
A- Audience 
R - Representation 

Typography - 
The font used is a serif/ script style type which could link to the style of music notes with the flicks which is symbolic of a classical and traditional font style, this could attract people who read music. This reflects highly educated audiences which reinforces traditional values of music and making music.

Lexis -
"brilliant" "exciting" "power" these complimentary words imply that the readers are respected and have high respect for the people who play classical instruments. They also tell us that because the art has been described so positively that the people reading could have a great passion for classical music from orchestra to opera.

There are words like "power" "positive" "queen' "elite" used on this cover which creates a feeling of confidence and being powerful, especially as a woman as the word "woman"is continuously repeated on the cover. This could attract a young female audience who are trying to become more confident and happy. Adele's make up is very loud and extravagant which is reflective of her personality which also could imply that's what the reader's personality is like. As well as her hair which is big and bushy which adds to the idea of being loud and extravagant, showing she isn't afraid to take up room. The colour red, white, grey and black have been used. Red has connotations of power and being spontaneous which suggests that's the personality of the reader. Black is also seen as a very powerful and strong colour which is supported by her facial expression as she has a straight face implying she isn't messing around and is being serious. The cover lines are in a sans serif style font which has a sense of seriousness and importance and if you read them you'll see the topics are very important and relate to the connotations of the mise-en-scene used. The shot type used is a mid close up which shows us the facial expression and half of the torso, this is significant because it shows us the details of her dress and her make up, showing this could appeal to women as stereotypically they're known to be interested in make up and dressing up and so this could lead us to believe this magazine is mainly targeted towards young/middle aged women. Adele isn't holding any props which could suggest independence, adding to this she is in front of a plain background so it is just her by herself with words around her which are all about her, this is creating a powerful semantic field throughout the cover which tells us the type of person Adele is and how she has made it through her dark struggles which is one of the topics she talks about later on in the magazine according to the cover lines.

LO: to review and reflect on the End Of Year exam and set personal targets              26/06/23

Question 1 
OFCOM - TV & Radio
BBFC - Film
ASA - Advertising 
IPSO & IMPRESS - Magazines & Newspapers 

Question 2 
Media Language:
Mise-en-scene - setting, costume, make up, props
Camera - shot types, angles, movement 
Editing - fade, dissolve, fast paces, slow motion
Sound - diegetic, non-diegetic, dialogue, extra to the world of the text, voice-over, music 

One way in which the music videos for "Teenage Dirtbag" and "Sk8er Boi" differ is through the pace of the editing. In Avril Lavigne's "Sk8er Boi" the pace of the clips are very fast and chaotic which is symbolic of Avril Lavigne's personality and character which is fun and loud. It reinforces the idea of her image ad what she wants to be known for as an artist. However in Wheatus' "Teenage Dirtbag", the pace of the clips are much slower and calmer which again represents Wheatus as a band and tells us they're more laid back and relaxed than Avril Lavigne and the naturalistic feel of the video could make more people relate to them.

Question 3
How - different music, competitions, local info/news
Why - make money via more listeners, commercial radio 
Radio 1 LL - Public Service Broadcast so gets money from TV license, niche audience which is 15-29 year olds, target audience in their remit 

Producers of radio programmes target different audiences in many different ways. Most radio programmes do this by providing a range of music genres and ages to attract many different people to make more money for their radio programme. Some local radio programmes have competitions and share local news and information as these are commercial radios who need more people listening for more money. However Radio 1 Live Lounge are a Public Service Broadcasting radio programme which are funded by TV licenses. They provide entertainment for a niche audience of 15-29 year olds as that is the target audience in their remit. 

Question 6
BBFC - age rates films in the UK

Question 7
-to extend the marketing of the film
-to strengthen the brand image of the film and it's franchise so audiences develop greater brand awareness of the film and any sequels
-to offer opportunities for fans to extend their enjoyment of the film by giving them the opportunity to further explore the film's fictional world

Question 8
U & G 
Personal Identity 
Social Interaction 

One use and gratification of films is entertainment, this fits because the whole film can entertain everyone. The characters can entertain children as they are playful and fun, children can then go and buy the lego characters outside of the film and play with them to entertain themselves. Adults can also be entertained by this because the is an easy storyline to follow and enjoy.

Question 9 

MOJO Magazine and audience                                                                                        10/07/23
LO: to explore and define the magazine's target audience

Genre- Music, classic/ modern rock
Publisher- Bauer Media 
Target Audience- 20-45+ music fans
Circulation- 62,733, niche audience
Brand- Bauer Media

-Luxury brands are the most successful magazines such as Vogue and Vanity Fair, however there is huge online competition 
-These glossy magazines use high quality advantages of the print media, creating an established image to attract advertising from a high status brand 
-MOJO magazines are semi-glossy and use lightweight paper however it retains enough quality to enable it to survive as a paid-for print product 

1. MOJO magazine covers both current and established musicians
2. Every month you get a definitive cover feature on an iconic act, a bespoke CD, and their favourite reviews section with 30 pages of the best of that month's music
3. They and their readers are passionate about music 

The genres explored in MOJO magazine are rock as shown in these magazine covers.

- Weekly magazines target working class people 

- Quality monthly magazines target a middle class audience 

- The most successful weekly and monthly magazines have mainly female readers, magazines targeting men have lower circulations


MOJO had (in 2016-2017) a fairly small circulation of about 68,000 and a readership of about 138,000. it's audience is more niche than those for Take A Break or Cosmopolitan which each have readerships of well over 1 million 
Class: equal share of middle class and working class readers
Gender: four times as likely to be read by men than women
Age: about 65% are over 35, but a higher proportion of 15-34 year olds (a smaller group) read it

-He accesses music through use of vinyl, CD player at home or in the car, spotify, youtube, Amazon music and concerts.
-His hobbies and interests include listening to music, going to festivals and reading mojo magazines.
 His job provides him with a high income and is very professional, he has colleagues which he talks to about music and other bands implying he has a good relationship with them. His family life also seems very healthy as he tries to involve his children in his interests by doing what they'd prefer and listening to their favourite type of music.
-His personality seems adventurous and fun as he likes to go to festivals, he also seems very loyal as he has stuck to the same bands and magazines throughout his life. He appears very caring especially towards his children as he includes them in his personal life and grateful as he enjoys the good things in life.
-His relationship to music is very deep, it is clear that music is a big part of his life as he says music has sound racked every event in his life and continues to define him. He admires music and regularly listens to it.
-He likes mojo because it includes many things he enjoys and is passionate about, such as bands and it also introduces him to new bands like "The War On Drugs".

MOJO Uses & Gratifications
Personal identity
Social interaction

P- reflects audiences passion for music
I- more information about artists (Liam and Dave)
E- music, reviews, information, ideas, interviews, CD listening to music
S- talk about the CD with friends, share the music with them

1. A magazine is more active than watching a film in a magazine because you can take part in reading and get to choose what you read
2. Active
3.They probably wouldn't enjoy it because it doesn't include their interests
4. They would definitely enjoy it

Do Now
1.We can tell the target audience are a mix of male and female because, there are dark colours like black which are stereotypically liked to men as they can have connotations of danger. Another way in which the target audience can be men is because the main image is of a man. A way that the magazine could appeal to women is because of the cover lines, they talk about fashion and have a section on Amber Rose.

2. Cultured - violin - musical - classical talent and skill
Masthead - script/serif type - traditional, elegant and higher class
Red - educated cultured - Red - love/passion for more music classical
Language - reader well educated - classical music - because of terminology

3. We can tell the target audience are interested in quality music from different decades based on the cover lines "from street punk to pop majesty" this shows that there is a wide range of music involved in the magazine. They've also picked someone from an older time for their main image to show they are open to all types of music. Madonna looks quite gothic as the colours black and white are used, this could show personal identity as some people may idolise her. 

MOJO Uses&Gratifications                                                                              05/09/23
LO: to explore the appeal of Mojo magazines and it's target audience

Music magazine audiences are active because you can chose what pages and what magazine you want to read

Uses and Gratifications
Personal identity
Social interaction

There is a lot of writing and therefore the audience knows the magazine is spreading information and the different images provide more information

The magazine has a lot of ways to provide entertainment, one of which would be the free CD they give out which included 15 tracks and can provide further entertainment as well as the magazine

Social Interaction
There are articles about new album reviews which could start a debate with friends. There are also regular features which make it seem more realistic.

This magazine appeals to women, we can see this because there is a woman on the cover and she is wearing a full pink outfit, we know this appeals to women because pink is as stereotypical feminine colour. This magazine provides entertainment because, not only does the magazine provide entertainment by itself, it also comes with two free gifts which is an Elvis Presley DVD and a best of 2018 CD. It includes lots of information as we can see on the cover lines, they say things like "the whole story, 21 page special" this implies that there is going to be lots of information included. The magazine provides a sense of personal identity because it talks about Kate Bush's personal life and her world which gives the audience an insight to her personal identity. It allows social interaction because people could read the magazine and then talk about it after, they could also listen to the CD or watch the DVD together and talk about it after.

Music Industry: Question 1 and 2
LO: to understand exam style questions and practice exam techniques

- Ofcom
- It is broadcasting that is funded by TV licenses and provide entertainment without trying to make a profit
- Convergence
- Diversification
- Conglomerate

Explain one way that the music radio stations can meet the requirements of public service broadcasting. Use the Radio 1 Live Lounge as an example in your answer [4]
One way in which radio stations can meet the requirements is through their targeted audience and age range. They can cater to certain generations through their music and their chosen topics to speak about. In Live Lounge for example, they used a younger artist like 'Stormzy' to appeal to teenagers and their target audiences of 15-29 year olds as he is known well by teenagers and they know his songs. 

Explaim one way that music videos create representations that are different from one another. Refer to one example of contrasting representations in two music videos you have studied to support your answer [4]
One way the two music videos have different representations is through the teenagers. In Teenage Dirtbag the teenagers are clearly shown what their status is in the school, such as jocks/popular people and then loser/shy people, we can see this through their outfits as jocks commonly have letterman jackets on in t video and that is what is seen as a stereotypical jock. In Sk8er Boi the main characters are seen as emo and rebellious which is sown through their clothing as well since they are wearing very dark colours and abnormal casual things such as a tie but no shirt or chains, this adds to idea of being rebellious as they don't follow the conventional styles.
DO NOW                                                                                                              19/09/23
1. P- personal identity  I- information  E- entertainment  S- social interaction  

2. This magazine cover appeals to the audience using uses and gratifications because:
- one of the cover lines talks about an interview with Lana Del Rey and so it'll give us an insight to her personal life and personal identity. Lana Del Rey is a female role model who has quite a gothic look and so that will attract gothic teen girls who align themselves with that identity
- the cover lines and text inside provides a lot of information
- the magazine alone provides entertainment as you can read it and take part in things on the inside but it also comes with a 15 track CD which will provide even more entertainment
- the included CD may help with social interaction as you can listen to it with friends or talk about it with friends, as well as talking about the magazine itself with friends

Music Industry: Question 2
LO: to understand exam style questions and practise exam techniques

2 marks for explaining the method
2 marks for explaining a second method 

One way that magazines attract their audiences is through free gifts, for example MOJO magazines provide a free CD for their audience as this expands the entertainment of the magazine and therefore makes it more appealing to buy. Another way that magazines attract their audience is because of the main image, MOJO magazines usually have a big star on the cover, this attracts their audience because they are directly targeting the supporters of the star and they'll be interested in reading about one of their favourite artists. [4/4]

Music Videos

Teenage Dirtbag:
- Linear narrative played by actors
- Set in an American High School, we see the hallways, school gym, prom, stairs, drop off area and the benches outside
- School bully/jock dressed in a letterman jacket vs the nerd/loser dressed in scruffy and unflattering, ugly clothes
- Popular girl, blonde and pretty with a popular, jock boyfriend
- Bright, natural daylight lighting outside and a little darker inside
- Normal and casual clothing
- In school, regular bullying behaviour

Sk8er Boi:
- Performance narrative played by actors
- Set in an American street and an abandoned building, we see the dark and broken stairways and the trashed rooms, also see the cars in the streets and the buildings surrounding
- Gothic and rebellious characters wearing dark and alternate accessories such as ties over their casual clothes and safety pins/chains
- Dark inside/bright outside and oversaturated lighting with a blue/green tint over the video exaggerated colours
- Casual clothing
- Predominantly white males in the video as they're stereotypically more rebellious but she has the control being the only female
- She challenges gender stereotypes
- Illegal activities, street parties, standing on and breaking cars and breaking into abandoned buildings

2 marks for media language in one music videos
2 marks for a contrasting media language in another music video

In the "Teenage Dirtbag" music video the lighting is bright and natural daylight and a little darker inside. This is a natural representation of the world as it is accurate and therefore adds to the natural and story-like linear narrative of the music video. Where as in the "Sk8er Boi" music video, the lighting is still bright but it's very oversaturated with a blue/green tint over it to exaggerate the colours, this is significant because the dark contrasting with the bright colours in the music video reinforces the idea of rebellion and alternative lifestyles. [4]

Media Language:
- Mise en scene
- Sound
- Editing
- Camera shots and angles
- Narrative

1. Ofcom
2. BBC
3. Broadcasting that provides entertainment without trying to make a profit
4. Convergence - the merging of previously separate media forms in one entity 
5. Diversification - the term for branching out into other areas of business
6. Conglomerate - the term used to describe a company that owns more than one media type
Music Industry: Question3                                                                         26/09/23
LO: to explore exam style questions and practice exam techniques

BBC Radio has to provide a wider range of content than commercial radio because they are public service broadcasting which means they are there to benefit and entertain the public which also means they have to stick to their remit. Their remit includes the need to support new emerging artists which, for example BBC Live Lounge had an artist called RAYE on to introduce her to a younger public. They also need to include live music which they did through having "Stormzy" on to perform some live music but also talk about general life. The BBC remit also includes giving advice on relevant topics for the age range 15-29 , such as interviews with famous celebrities, mental health advice and tips for school. 
Compared to commercial radio where even though they have a larger audience to attract, they don't play specific music or talk about specific topics to appeal to certain people. Commercial radios main purpose is making money where as the BBC's main purpose is to fit their remit which is to entertain and engage a broad young audience. So that is why the BBC have to provide a wider range of content because they have a more specific group to cater for and to ensure they like all their entertainment so thy can stick to their remit.

Answer to the question
Example from live lounge 
Explanation/ comparison to commercial radio
1. Media Language - mise-en-scene, editing, background, sound 
2. Industry - the company that produces the media - film, TV, radio
3. Audience - the group of people who will watch/read it
4. Representation - the way someone or something is represented, stereotypes
5. Context - information about the background of something that gives us an idea of why it was made

Explain how and why music videos create representations that are different from one another. Refer to one example of contrasting representations in two music videos you have studied to support your answer.

Teenage Dirtbag
  • set in an american high school
- jocks - letterman jackets (stereotype of american high school), centre of attention, usually a group with a leader. presented as bullies, strong and popular. respected, confident, in charge. sporty
- popular girl - tight, bright but average clothes, blonde hair, pretty, smiling, happy, comes across as a nice girl
- loser group (main character) - old fashioned and unusual clothes with lots of layers, ugly, weird, alone. books in his hands (props), always sat by himself 
  • editing 
- fade at the start and end
- normal, natural cuts
- zooming in on his face, then zoom out to show the big crowds to emphasise how he is alone. shot reverse shot of him interacting in the corridor and people calling him a loser
- slow motion long shot of jocks and everyone clears the way for them, juxtaposed with when the loser walks through he has to push against the crowd
- high angle shot of the loser on the floor which makes him look helpless and vulnerable, when he falls no one helps they just laugh, reinforcing his loneliness 
- close ups on the popular girl a lot to tell us the loser likes her a lot, always in slow motion to emphasise her importance

Sk8er Boi
  • set in an american city
- we can see this because of the traffic signs as they look like the ones in america
- city - lots of cars around and tall buildings with large streets
- rebellious teens going into an abandoned house with their bikes and skateboards, breaking the rules turns to breaking the law (graffiti and smashing cars, illegal concert)
  • characters
- teenagers represented as rebellious and dangerous
- group of teens, mostly boys
- main protagonists, Avril Lavigne being the leader, she's respected and listened to
- spray paint on the floor and graffiti, reinforces the idea of rebellion
- implied that they stole the car and all piled into the back, breaking the rules - extreme and uncontrollable, reckless
  • editing
- fast paced, raises tension which reinforces the idea of rebellion and doing things they shouldn't be, emphasises their rebellious nature as they've done it themselves
- expressive style, represents Avril Lavigne as an artist
- the camera is always on her, low angle shots showing power 
- focus on graffiti to reinforce their recklessness

Music videos create representations that are different from each other in a number of ways. For example in he music video "Teenage Dirtbag" the main characters are represented using mise-en-scene of clothing. The main characters all war very different clothing to tell us, the audience, what role they lay in their American high school and their status in it. The main character is seen to wear some unusual clothes which have been layered to emphasise how he is unusual and seen as a loser. The jock is seen to be wearing a letterman jacket which we see as a stereotypical american jock style clothes and e almost expect to see them wearing it so we know who is popular in the high school. The other popular character is the main girl, she is seen wearing quite average clothes whilst they're still tight but not provocative. All of these different styles of clothing tells the audience what kind of character that person is through stereotypes and normalities that we know.

Differently, in the music video "Sk8er Boi' we see the main character dressed in a different way. The grip of teens are all seen to be wearing dark and grungy clothing to reflect their personalities. Specifically Avril Lavigne who is the main character, she is wearing unusual clothes such as a tie over her casual t shirt r dark jeans to reinforce her dark nature and personality which has connotations of rebellion and danger which also tells us that that is the personality of the group. The significant of Avril Lavigne being presented in thus way is that it is also symbolic of her personality and real life representations and so the audience can et an idea of her image.

Another way in which "Teenage Dirtbag" creates a different representation is through the editing. The editing in this music video is very calm and relaxed which gives us an idea of how the main loser character feels and acts. It is a very naturalistic style of editing which tells the audience that the music video tells a story instead of just a piece of art. There are slow motion, zoomed in shots of the min girl to show us 
1. mise-en-scene: the setting, clothing, make up
2. editing: the way in which videos are put together
3. camera work: the way something is filmed
4. sound: what the audience can hear
5. narrative: the story line  
diegetic - anything the characters can hear
non diegetic - sound thats been added on after filming

Music Industry: Q4
LO: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q4 focusing on media language and representation

Representation of the musician?
How are they shown or presented?
The representations in the mojo magazine cover are that of a moody, mysterious musician who is well known. The black and white filter placed over the magazine creates the idea of old age which reinforces the classic and well known sense. The main image is a medium close up shot which shows the expression and emotion of the musician on the cover, it tells us that he is serious and unhappy, the fact that he is looking up to the sky could suggest hopefulness and that he is maybe praying to get out of something, looking up to a higher power. The lexis on the magazine cover also suggests a biblical reference, such as "arise" which could link to Jesus. Him being referred to as a "dark knight' could also suggest respectfulness and bravery as being a knight is a very honourable position, however a dark knight could suggest evilness and could add to the idea of the musician being represented as mysterious as well a his serious facial expression reinforcing the idea of him being moody.

Analyse the representation of age or gender in the extracts from MOJO magazine
Representation of age OR gender? pick one
Age is represented in a serious and confrontational way to show how the older generation can be presented. The black and white cover shows a classic style of seriousness and confidence, it's not a playful colour suggesting that old age isn't playful and it's actually very serious. The mid shot reveals his emotions which we can see is serious through his straight face, the direct address to the audience through looking straight at the camera gives us a confrontational sense. The lexis on the magazine cover matches the serious and dark content such as the words "murder" and "grievers", both of these link to the idea of death which could imply that the older generation should all be serious and just focus on death because that is their inevitable fate. The colour palette used reinforces the idea of seriousness and danger/confrontation through the colours red,black,grey and white - all these colours have a serious feel about them and also connote to death.
1. Shot type - the position and shot of the camera
2. Typeface - the font, colour and size of the words
3. Colour palette - the colours used
4. Lexis - the words used
5. Masthead - the title of a magazine
Music Industry: Question 5                                                                 31/10/23
LO: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam style techniques for Q5 focusing on media language and representations.

15 marks:
- 10 for analysis
- 5 for conclusion

Context - what is happening in the world at the time e.g. gender stereotypes, sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity culture, consumerism

1. The layout is cluttered
2. The messy and cluttered layout suggests that the contents of the magazine has a lot going on and a lot of informations or thing to do inside
3. The colour palette is very saturated
4. The choice of colours suggests it's a bright and happy magazine, the pinks and purples imply that this magazine is going to be aimed towards young/teen girls

1. The layout is ordered
2. The ordered style of the layout suggests that the target audience for this magazine are very organised and sensible. The typeface is formal through the serif font which could imply the audience are also formal.
3. The colour palette is muted
4. The colour palette is smart and simple which implies the audience are also smart and simple

1. The lexis is mainly sans serif
2. This choice of font suggests that the magazine is more casual and less sophisticated, but the fact that it is in capital letter may suggest that he magazine is still serious but in a less formal way

The text is mainly sans serif font. The choice of the sans serif font suggests a modern twist to the magazine with up to date style and therefore up to date music for the audience.
The use of a muted colour palette in the main cover image is shown, this reflects the realism that the magazine is trying to promote in the music and the artist, making them appear natural and every day. 

Which company produced and distributed The Lego Movie Game?
Warner Bros
Who regulates the film industry?
What is a tent-pole film?
A big budget film whose earning are expected to compensate for that companies less profitable films
What do we mean by genre hybridity?
A film genre that blends themes and elements from two or more different genres
Intertextuality - where a film overlaps with another work
1. Baby boomer generation - a person born in the years following WW2, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate
2. Diversification - the process of varying products
3. Audience address - how he text speaks to the audience and involves and influences them
4. Discerning - having or showing a good judgement
5. House style - a companies preferred way of presenting their material
Question 5       07/11/23
LO: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation

15 marks - spend 15 minutes on this question
How far.....
give your opinion

life at the time
changes in gender roles - more equality
attitudes to sexuality - improved attitudes and celebrate LGBTQ+
celebrity culture

shot type: medium long shot
star vehicle: David Bowie
colour palette: purple, pink, white, blue - feminine
bands/artists mentioned: 7 mentioned
masthead style: white, sans serif, shadow, bold, uppercase
main cover line style: pink, white, black, sans serif, uppercase, big, bold
minor cover line style: white and black, sans serif

The magazine uses the colour palette to show us the type of audience that this magazine is targeted at. The colour palette is full of pastel colours, purple, pinks and blues. These are all seen as feminine colours even though the target audience for mojo magazines are mainly men. This could suggest that this magazine was released at a time where it wasn't uncommon for men to be seen being in touch with their feminine side. This could also suggest that the audience of this magazine are open minded and are accepting with their attitudes to sexuality and subverting stereotypes. The saturated colour palette used implies a happy sense to the contents of the magazine, it suggests it's a fun magazine with exciting things to read. The fact that it's not got dull colours makes us think that the magazine isn't very organised and sophisticated, almost quite a casual magazine which reflects David Bowie's personality and progressive nature as we know he wasn't afraid to tap into his feminine side and had to interest in expressing toxic masculinity.

However, on the other magazine cover, the colour palette is very muted. In comparison to the David Bowie cover, this cover is very naturalistic and every-day instead of expressionistic. The natural background is made through the colours, pale blue, green trees and brown structures, these all suggest to the audience that the man on the cover is a normal person who goes about his life just as the audience would do. Instead of being bright and fun, this colour palette s dull and boring which could be a representation of the contents of the magazine. This magazine could be including music for everyday people, maybe classical music or music for people who just want some music in their background for some noise. David Bowie has a blue shirt on which is an example of his outgoing personality and fun exterior where as the man on the other cover is wearing a brown/beige shirt which tells us he is more serious and could maybe like to follow the stereotypes of a man being in a workplace instead of not being worried about toxic masculinity and femininity. 
1. genre codes - the different style and theme for a piece of media
2. intertextuality - the shared relationship between two pieces of media
3. typography - the font and style of the words
4. connotations - things that relate to the word and what it makes you think of
5. lexis - the words used
6. Racial protests, LGBTQ+, feminism, multicultural elements, more accepting, consumerism, technological focus, celebrity culture
LO: to explore the exam style question for Music Magazine and Music video                21/11/23

Question 5
media language : lexis, images, cover lines, colour palette, layout
2 paragraphs - introduction and conclusion
"in conclusion"
15 minutes

shot type - close/mid shot
1 person, female, young, Shakira
revealing clothing, gloves, gold headdress 
gold = wealth
throne emphasising her power
connotes to pop royalty
Greek goddess
looking directly at the audience, shows power and authority

colour palette - gold, brown, black, white, yellow
saturated, bright, warm
suggests positivity, happiness, relaxation

layout - 4 cover lines
ordered layout which implies she's formal and professional, organised

masthead - lower case sans serif font
bright yellow, lower case suggest rebellion yet relaxed, modern
sans serif shows modern and cleanliness, rebelling because no capital for name, relaxed, not following rules

shot type - low angle
11 images, lots of people in them
main cover image is a group - The Beatles, relatively old looking, males, an old photo maybe taken in 60s or 70s
wearing suits, covered to their neck showing power and formality but not serious
low angle shot of them looking up, implies that they're powerful and important

colour palette - multicoloured
saturated colours, bright
the multicolour is psychedelic which reflects the 1960s and fun/excitement

layout - 11 cover lines
cluttered layout which implies fun and non seriousness, immaturity tells us the magazine is fun and has a lot of exciting thing to share inside, full of information

masthead - uppercase sans serif with script over the top
uppercase suggests it's shouting and is desperate to share the exciting information with the reader
the script font juxtaposes this idea and alludes to the traditional elements of the magazine and it's old.

The two music magazines use media language differently, this could be because they are different genres. In the Billboard magazine, there is only one image on the cover, it is a close/mid shot and suggests importance. There is only one person on the cover and she is a young female - a popular artist called Shakira. Shakira is wearing very revealing clothes and we can only see her gloves, this sexualises her and gives us an idea of what type of image she has and what the contents of the magazine could include relating to her. We can see her sat on a throne, emphasising her power and wealth, potentially referring to pop royalty. She is looking directly at the audience, the direct address suggests power and confidence, it could show us her importance and authority. Differently, in the MOJO magazine a low angle shot is used. This also creates the feeling of power and importance but it's presented in a different way than Shakira. The lower angle makes the audience seem less important as they are higher up - this reinforces their importance in the music industry. There are 11 different images throughout the cover which presents the magazine in a cluttered way, however the Beatles are the main focus. They are all wearing suits which suggests they're powerful and formal. The clothing covers them up to their necks which tells us that the intention of this image is not to sexualise them which could reflect their target audience.

The colour palette in the Billboard magazine of Shakira is saturated. It includes colours like gold, brown, black, white and yellow but are all very bright. This suggests positivity and happiness throughout the magazine and could show us that Shakira is a positive and happy person. The more muted colours such as old and brown could suggest comfort and relaxation, maybe juxtaposing with the fact that she is n a throne and could present her as a normal person. Another interpretation of the colour gold could be to show off her wealth and power through a regal colour such as that. Oppositely, in the MOJO magazine of The Beatles, the colours present them in a different way. Although the colours are very saturated, there is a psychedelic colour palette to reflect the 1960s, it informs us as the audience that that is their style and maybe their prime time for their music, it also tells us they are a fun group and not normal as they didn't use muted colours and a specific colour palette. In conclusion, the two magazine covers use media language in different ways to interestingly present the celebrities on the main cover in a similar way due to them being focused on different genres and targeting different audiences.
The mastheads on both magazines represent the content well but differently. The Billboard magazine of Shakira used a lower case sans serif font, this shows a modern style alongside cleanliness. Adding to the modern idea, it could represent a rebellious nature as it is common for the masthead to include at least one capital letter, usually at the beginning, but this masthead involves no capital letters. This could reflect the contents of the magazine as they could be breaking rules or bending the rules at least, alluding to the fact that their target audience is teen/young adult women who are having fun and bending rules. However, the masthead in the MOJO magazine is in an uppercase sans serif font with script over the top. The uppercase suggests a shouting nature, like the magazine is desperate for someone to read it and to share the contents of it with everyone. The script font over the top juxtaposes this idea of it being loud and shouting as it is more of a traditional style and alludes to the traditional elements of the magazine as i is an old and classic one. The two styles of masthead used in each magazines represent the contents of the magazines well and show the contrast between genre and target audience and how the magazines are different. 

The media language is used differently in the two magazine covers, because of the generic conventions of the magazines and the audience appeal. The mastheads on the two magazines are clearly different . Billboard uses lower case letters, yellow, sans serif type. The use of the lower case gives a sense of informality and rebellion as it refuses to use a capital letter for the name of the magazine. The use of the yellow gives a happy and positive mood to the cover. The use of the sans serif font gives a more modern, clean, informal feel to the cover of the magazine. The masthead therefore appeals to the audience by giving a youthful and up to date version of music. (model answer for one magazine)


  1. 27/3- Absent, please read through my blog for the lesson and screenshot slides and complete the tasks.

  2. 22/5- Great analysis points, T2: Try to link your analysis to the psychographic information as well as your demographic information about the audience.

  3. 5/9- Great work today, well done, excellent start to Y11.

  4. 10/10- Excellent analysis of the cover. T: 3.Add another paragraph to expand your answer

  5. 21/11- Good points here, well done. T: 3. Another analysis paragraph needed for your response from the notes we made.


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