
 LO: to explore possible tasks and research similar products                               04/05/23

Brief 1:
Create a front cover and a double-page spread article for a health and fitness magazine aimed at an audience primarily of 14-18 years old.



1. They include instructions on how to lose weight, diets/ recipes and tips on being healthy & young
2. They use images of young and skinny women in work out clothes
3. The main colour's used are pink and yellow, mainly bright colours
4. The masthead is at the top and it's in a bold font with a slant to it
5. There is just one image used on the cover
6. There are 5-8 cover lines 
7. There is a barcode on the bottom right corner, along with the date and money
8. The font styles and sizes vary but most of them are very bold but still small, they're usually black but some are pink or blue
9. Usually there is just one puff per cover but on some of them there are two/three
10. The double page spreads tend to have one main image and the rest is filled with information and smaller images
11. There are quite a few images used on a double page spread, quite often the page is filled with more photos than information
12. It is usually quite small font sizes and bold to make them easier to read
13. The text is organised in boxes or individual sections depending on the topic

1. It looks very clean and organised.
 The masthead isn't in capital letters.
 The masthead is in the same font that they commonly use.
2. It looks like a high production value as it seems like it's been taken in a studio.
The production value looks high again because it's been taken in a studio.
As well as the last one which also looks like it has a high production value from the studio photograph.
3. They're promoting an ideal body shape and ways to get it.
They're promoting happiness and improving mental health.
They're promoting healthy body talk and mental health.
4. White, red and blue are used a lot as well as bold font styles.
Pink/orange, beige, blue, black and white are used with smoother font styles.
Blue, pink, black and white are used with bold font styles.
5. The woman on the cover is smiling whilst wearing gym clothes, suggesting you'll be happy at the gym.
The woman is smiling and sitting down implying she is comfortable.
This woman is standing up and has a powerful pose which makes us thing she's happy and confident.
6. The target audience is women, we can see this because there is a woman on the cover and the cover lines talk about motherhood.          
The target audience is women, this is shown through the use of a woman on the cover as well as stereotypical feminine things used like flowers and the colour pink.
The target audience is women, we know this because of the woman on the cover and because the magazine is called "Women's Health".
7. We know that the double page spreads are related to the cover because the woman on the cover is used on some of the pages.

In my magazine i will need to include:
-a main image of a woman, potentially in work out clothes smiling and happy
-bold font style or maybe a smooth one depending on the topic i'm going to focus on
-medium long shot/ mid shot for the main image
-a main masthead maybe hidden behind the main image with 5-6 cover lines 
-healthy diets, mental health and body positivity cover lines/ content in my magazine
-the colour palette i could use is pink, light colours, colours that seem comfortable
-the linked page could be on body positivity or mental health/ healthy eating

Initial Planning                                                                                                         15/06/23

Tagline: the guide to be healthy and happy
House style - Pinterest board/images: 

Colour palette: calm, neutral, pastel colours 
Cover image ideas: a woman in work out clothes, smiling and another woman sat down next to her smiling
Possible cover lines - 5 minimum: healthy recipe ideas, mental health advice, body positivity, work out clothes recommendations and work out routines
Info to include: barcode, date, price, website 
DPS article subject: mental health advice and body positivity 
DPS image ideas - 4 needed:
DPS layout ideas - use images:


Adobe Illustrator                                                                                                 22/06/23
LO: explore the use of Adobe illustrator to create a magazine masthead or logo

Title ideas:

Target Audience                                                                                            29/06/23
LO: to research our target audience to enable successful targeting

My Target Audience:
Age Range: 14-18
Gender: Any but primarily women
Income/ Jobs: Student
Race: Any
Education: Secondary school
Interests: School, music, socialising

-They would think school is difficult and boring
-They would have hobbies like listening to music and meeting friends
-They would most likely live in a more rural area
-Their favourite subjects may be quite creative
-Their friends and family might be important to them
-They would use social media quite a lot considering the age range
-Their friends may describe them as quiet, introverted until you get to know them
-They would also be interested in music 
-My product would appeal to them because it will include things that they're interested in and things that will help them

Production                                                                                                         13/07/23
LO: to create content that meets the set brief by creating meaning for an audience of 14-18 year olds

Cover lines ideas:
-healthy recipe ideas
-body positivity/ dysmorphia tips
-mental health advice
-work out routines
-work out clothes ideas

Double page spread topic - healthy recipe ideas

Cover image - 

Statement of intent                                                                                      07/09/23
LO: to produce a concise and clear statement

My brief is to make a health & fitness magazine for 14–18-year-olds. My magazine is named “repair & routine” this is because my magazine isn’t just physical health based it’s also mental health based and It’s important to ensure it implies that in the name whilst also having routines. I want my magazine to look simple and clean with a neutral palette, and slightly feminine because my magazine is targeted towards females but without looking too stereotypically “girly” as some women who go to the gym don’t want to appear as girly. My slogan for my magazine is “the guide to be healthy and happy”. I’m going to use neutral colours like brown and white to create a calm and comfortable feel. For my main image I’m going to have a woman smiling and being happy and another woman sat down next to her smiling, this is because I want my magazine to be seen as encouraging and with a smile on the cover, my target audience will see a constructive magazine with a positive message. The typography of my magazine is going to be in lower case to create a pleasant feel. This will appeal to my target audience because my magazine is there to ensure the reader is creating a healthy routine whilst also making sure their mental health is taken care of. I’m going to subtly use stereotypes such as using pastel colours on the back grounds and main image as conventionally women like things that look pretty. I’m going to use familiarity in my double page spread as I’m going to give healthy substitutes for every day snacks as most healthy recipes don’t taste nice and could put someone off if they don’t enjoy it. However, my recipes will be familiar because they’ll be similar to food and snacks, they usually eat. 
Coursework Review                                                                                                  14/09/23
LO: to recap brief criteria and to explore how to create effective representations 

My cover is going to follow the layout conventions because it is going to have an original masthead at the very top, a strap line underneath, cover price, barcode, edition number all together on the bottom right corner, a cover image and at least six cover lines which one will link to my double page that will surround my main image.
My double page spread is going to be about healthy recipe ideas which still taste nice and are similar to everyday snacks that are usually unhealthy in order to make sure people are eating food that will help them lose weight whilst being safe. It will include pictures and information of these recipes with the pictures in the middle with the recipes around them. My title will be at the left side going vertically down the page in order to make it obvious but still not taking any attention away from the main images of the recipes. There will either be four recipes with one vegan recipe or just two where one is vegan as well. Another idea would be to have one recipe on each page with half the page being a picture of the food and the other half being a recipe.

-decide on my final masthead and what colours i want to have
-decide on my background colour for my front cover and also double page spread to ensure i create a comfortable feel
-plan who i'm going to take my photos of and take them 
-make a strap line that goes well with the vibe of my magazine and tells the readers who are about to read my magazine, the ideas in my magazine
-make my headline for my double page spread
-write the article for my double page spread
-decide what photos i want to go with my double page spread
-make sure to add a barcode, price and edition number on my front cover at the bottom right hand corner

Healthy recipes:
1. popcorn is high in fibre and even includes protein. About 3 cups of popcorn is about 110 calories. You can make it yourself or buy it from the shop, adding salt or sugar makes it more of a treat than a healthy treat but is still okay for a once in a while treat.
2. a tropical smoothie bowl is a rich source of fibre and does add up to only 180 calories, foods like fresh fruit can add a sweet but healthy part to your snack. A popular ingredient for these smoothies is mango as it provides more than half your day's worth of vitamin C in just one cup. You can top your smoothie with chopped almonds and shredded coconut for added fibre and healthy fats.
3.feta watermelon sticks are a refreshing snack to give you a great balance of flavour whilst also being healthy. To make these you only need two ingredients and a skewer, the two ingredients being watermelon and feta cheese, you cut both of these ingredients into small cubes and place them onto the skewer, additionally you can put basil leaves on top and sprinkle salt, pepper and olive oil to bring more flavour to the table.
4. chocolate filled raspberries are a great alternative to your typical unhealthy snack, all berries are nutritious but raspberries have a higher fibre count, One cup of raspberries usually amounts to about five grams of sugar, this is why it's still considered a healthy snack to add chocolate into them. Simply measure out a tablespoon of dark chocolate and pour into the centre of the raspberries to enjoy your treat. Wait for the chocolate to cool or eat with melted chocolate for a messy yet healthy treat!
1. want to eat healthier? look inside for some heavenly, helpful, healthy recipe ideas
2. work out routines and tips for your perfect body
3. working out improves your mental health and here's why
4. body positivity is for everyone! do you struggle with body dysmorphia? here's tips for working out whilst struggling
5. the best workout clothes so you can feel your best whilst working to look your best

___________________________________________________________________________________DO NOW
- interview with a fitness coach/instructor or maybe a celebrity
- healthy recipes or healthier alternatives
- work out routines
- places to buy gym wear or gym equipment
- reviews on gyms, gym wear, gym equipment
- tips on how to stay healthy or fit
- well-bring/ mental health tips
- body building tips
Article Writing                                                                                             02/11/23
LO: to create a convincing article for a teen health and fitness magazine/website using appropriate language, tone and representation

 A Double Page Spread:
- headline
- main image
- interviewing a celebrity
- "celeb interview"
- information from the celebrity organised into columns
- 2 main questions and answers
- stand first
- pull quote
- drop cap 

1. my cover is going to be a picture of two teenagers stood together whilst looking happy. it isn't going to link to my double page spread but it is going to link to one of my cover lines
2. my article is going to be about healthy recipe ideas - alternative recipes that still taste nice
3. the images in my double page spread are going to be pictures of the food that the recipes make, and maybe a smaller image of someone smiling, looking like they're enjoying the food
4. i will have the same font on my cover and my double page spread
5. the magazine name will be on the double page spread at the bottom by the page numbers, in a small font
6. for my subheadings i'm going to have the names pf the food/recipes
7. if i do put a smaller image of someone smiling and enjoying the food, i want them to be represented in a happy and positive way to imply that the recipes are nice and taste good

Headline: Heavenly, Helpful, Healthy Recipe Ideas
Stand first: Get a look at these four recipes for some easy ideas for healthy snacks that still taste good. And with a bonus - they'll take you less than 10 minutes !


    Good codes & conventions research -analysis missing.

    Good overview but how will you target teens specifically?
    Which is your final masthead design?



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