Lego Movie

LO: to understand the narrative and characters in the Lego movie                                                   08/09/22


-Superman and wonder woman

-star wars

-old west world

-coocoo world

-basketball player

-green lantern



-abraham lincoln

-middle land

-lego city



1. In the beginning, Emmett was a normal construction worker until he found the piece of resistance which then caused him to be mistaken for 'the special' by wyldstyle. She then took him to all the different lego worlds, whilst running from president business who was trying to keep everything under control and ordinary. President business eventually captures all the creative people and attempts to get rid of them but Emmett sacrificed himself and jumped out the office window. Then the film jumps to a real life basement and it gets revealed that the whole film was actually a little boy playing with his dad's lego and the little boy helps Emmet save the day.

2. The main themes are everybody is special in their own way, team work, to believe in yourself and creativity.

3. Emmett - Chris Pratt

Lucy - Elizabeth Banks

Batman - Will Arnett

Vitruvius - Morgan Freeman

UniKitty - Alison Brie

Benny - Charlie Day 

President Business - Will Ferrell

Industry Research

LO: to research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry

1. Production: the production stage, also known as principal photography, is when shooting begins.

Distribution: the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience.

Exhibition: public screening of a film and involves the ownership, management, and running of movie theatres.

2. A media conglomerate is a very large organisation that owns different types of media company.

3. The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC).

4. The Lego Movie got a U rating.

5. The Video Standards Council regulate video games in the UK. 

6. The Lego movie video game is suitable for people ages 4 and over.

7. Lin Pictures and Warner Bros are the main two companies that produced The Lego Movie.

8. Dan Lin directed The Lego Movie.

9. TT Fusion produced The Lego Movie Video game.

10. Warner Bros Pictures distributed The Lego Movie.

11. The Advertising Standards Authority regulate advertising content in the UK.


The Lego Movie: Industry Research                                                                                             22/09/22

LO: to research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry


Regulation - classifying products by age rating or ensuring content of products meets acceptable standards

The Video game:

5. I think the Warner Bros would have been keen for the film to receive a U certificate because that meant everyone can watch it so they can get more money off the film and there isn't any restrictions.
6. It was important for the game to have a 7 age rating because in the film you're watching fictional violence which is why it got a U but in the video game you're actually the character who is being violent, they needed it to be similar to the film so obviously had to include the violence so they needed to add an age rating.

Narrative Theory
LO: to explore the narrative and apply narrative theory to The Lego Movie

-The Lego Movie challenges genre conventions because it has many different genres: Adventure, Action, Comedy, Fantasy and lots of others.
-The film is a pastiche because it is based on The Matrix 
-It has hyper-reality because towards the end of the film it switches from lego to real people which makes you aware that you're watching a film.

Equilibrium - Emmett was at home going through his day/going to work and following his instructions
Disruption - Emmett falls down a hole and ends up in front of the "piece of resistance" and wyldstyle tells him he's the special and can save them, so they travel through all these different worlds in order to find Virtruvius but Lord Business was trying to stop them
Recognition of disruption - Emmett and wyldstyle have a fight with all the police officers and end up floating in the ocean
Attempt to solve disruption - Emmett makes his double decker sofa and saves everyone from drowning and he sacrifices himself to save the world from the kragle
New equilibrium - We discover that the whole movie was based on a little boy playing with his dad's lego and his son puts Emmett back into the world to help save the day and everyone builds what they want to build


The Hero - Emmett, because he's the one who saves the world
The Villain - Lord Business, because he is trying to stop all the creativity 
The Donor - Vitruvius, because he tells Emmett he is the special
The Helper - Wyldstyle, because she helps Emmett throughout the whole film 
The Princess - Wyldstyle
The Dispatcher - Vitruvius, because he sends them on the mission
The princess' Father - Wyldstyle, because she protects Emmett but also gives him instructions
The False Hero - Batman, because he tries to save the day but fails

Vertical Integration
Vertical integration is when a company owns everything needed for the production of a product, this means all the money and profits will go to that company rather than lots of different ones.

Two benefits of vertical integration for media companies are, it helps increase profits because instead of paying most of the profit to all these different production companies, the one company gets all the money to themselves. Another benefit is that it makes the production process more efficient because instead of waiting for other companies to get things ready, they can go at their own pace, also there won't be any creative differences as the ideas all come from the same place.

Target Audience                                                                                                                06/10/22
LO: to identify the target audience using demographics & psychographics

The Lego movie targets a family audience that can be split up into 3 parts:
- Young kids who play with Lego because of the bright colours, the energetic characters and the fact that its all made out of lego
- Parents who played with it when they were young because of the adult jokes and references to the real world, also the actor Morgan Freeman and Will Ferrell
- Young adult cinema-goers because of the humour, the DC characters, wyldstyle and the actors Chris Pratt and Elizabeth Banks
-All genders because it shows everyone being helpful and strong instead of just the man 

1. The brand created a useful and entertaining content, not only does the movie appeal to children, it is enjoyable for parents and teens as well.
2. The company created a genuinely funny and clever movie, there is a twist in the tale which perfectly fits without seeming contrived and the limit of the story is to your imagination.
3. The benefits of the film are not just limited to the supportive spending of adults, the legacy and selling of the film enabled the directors to produce a second film later on.

1. Because it explores the meaning of love, partnership and humanity, the film makes people feel all the emotions they want to.
2. We're constantly questioning what categories each of us fit in but the lego movie shows you don't have to fit in because everyone is special.
3. Film critics argue that the film has something for everyone because there are parts for kids, parts for teens and parts for the parents.


Tent pole production is a big-budget movie whose earnings are expected to compensate the studio for its less profitable moviesThe Lego Movie is a tent pole production because the company expected to make great profits from it since they knew it would appal to a large audience.The benefits mean that Warner Bros get more money from the production. A tentpole production is good for a company because it is expected to make lots of money and become very popular, it also means the company can make risks because they can afford to.

- Lego Batman
-Lego Ninjago 
-Lego Movie 2
-Lego movie 3 (planned)

Marketing                                                                                                                      13/10/22
LO: to explore marketing and promotion of The Lego Movie; to link the methods used to the target audience

-social media

-Lego sets 
-Lego Cards
-Video Game
-Collectable mini figures
-School supplies
-Stickers and activity books

1. There isn't a specific website for the lego movie but the warner bros have a lego movie section on their website.
2. There was a premiere, a Lego Movie Roadshow Truck Tour, 

4. Sainsbury's cards

Each week in January 2014, a new character poster was released. Lego stores scheduled linked events. Free accessory packs were available in stores after building creative models in store. The Video Game was released before the film was released (4th February). On 7th February, McDonalds released collectables 3D cups with Happy Meals. A website enabled fans to make versions of themselves.

Horizontal Integration would help Warner Bros when it came to promotion because they could do the same amount of marketing, if not more and it wouldn't cost them any money.  

In Dancing on Ice at 7.27pm on Sunday 9th February 2014 - five days before the movie launched - ITV broadcast a world first, an ad break made entirely out of LEGO.
Four familiar and modern UK television ads - for the British heart foundation,, BT and Premier Inn - were recreated frame by frame and brick by brick in Lego.

They changed the whole ad break into lego but still advertising other things, they also put the ad break clip on youtube and after that they tweeted about a "block party". This was successful because it was out of the ordinary and got people talking about the film before it had even been released. Just over 1 million people viewed the youtube video even without it being advertised so that was evidence that the ad break was a success. This also helped out the four companies that they made advert for because it brought them more business or attention and it didn't cost warner bros much money, if any at all.

Trailer                                                                                                                        03/11/22
LO: to evaluate the methods used to market The Lego Movie; to link the methods to the target audience

Warner Bros chose to have their logos made from Lego because it's for the Lego Movie. They would've wanted their logo shown before the trailer because it would make more people watch the trailer as they have such a good reputation for making good films.

Equilibrium - Emmett is sat on his sofa watching the news and following the instructions
Disruption - President Business tells everyone they're going to be put to sleep
Recognition - Emmett realises what he just said 
Attempt to solve - Wyldstyle and Emmett start fighting all the robots (basically the rest of the trailer)

1. The equilibrium and disruption needed to be shown quickly so they would have the majority of the time to show the exciting part/attempt to solve.
2. The disruption needed to be established very quickly so the film doesn't seem too gruesome and dangerous considering the target audience is young people and so parents will still be willing to take their children to watch it. And also younger people have a shorter attention span so they have to go quickly and keep it exciting.

Diegetic - sound that the characters would hear in the film world
Non-diegetic - sound that only the audience can hear
Intertitle - the text used between shots in a trailer
Colour Palette - the range of colours used in a media text

1. To introduce them and so we know that they're important and we remember them.
2. It makes the film more intriguing and shows that there is a lot of things happening, adds a sense of adventure.
3. To show how powerful they are and that they're the good guys.

1. It tells you what's happening in the story line because it explains what's going on.
2. It makes the film sound exciting and like there is a lot of action involved.
3. It helps to intensify the scene or to give the audience an idea of the mood at the time.

1. The pace and length of time between cuts gets quicker and builds tension to shows how the film is action-packed.
2. This appeals to school children but also parents of school children because it tells them that it's the perfect time to take their children.
3. Slow motion is used to intensify the situation and make it seem more dangerous and dramatic.

1. Because if there is lots of things going on then it suggests that the film is very action packed and adventurous.
2. The colour palette is very bright and they use all colours which could attract younger children or anyone really because bright colours will automatically attract some one to watch the trailer at least. The colour palette also relates and matches the world that they're in
3. We can see that Emmett is quite boring because he's always wearing his work clothes which is significant because he has quite a boring/ordinary job. Wyldstyle is wearing quite "dangerous/mysterious" clothes which could suggest her personality is quite relaxed and dangerous. Virtruvius is wearing white which could possibly give off a biblical reference meaning he is someone that people look up to like they do to God. Everyone wears a different type of clothing to show that everyone is different and unique


Explain how the Lego Movie trailer uses two elements of media language to target different audiences.

One element used in the Lego Movie trailer is Mise-en-scene. For example, characters like Wyldstyle could appeal to teenagers because of her outfit and style, they could influence them to dress like her and then want to watch the films because of her look. Batman was obviously wearing his usual clothes which could also appeal to teenagers because they will already recognise him.

Another element used in the Lego Movie trailer is sound. The loud and explosive diegetic sounds would attract people who enjoy action films with a bit of violence, this could be teens or adults so they have something for them as well as the children. The loud sounds could also be for children to keep their attention as it shows that there is always something going on.

Video Game
LO: to explain how vertical integration benefits companies; to analyse using Uses & Gratification theory

-The game developer is TT Fusion.
-The publishers are Warner Bros and Feral Interactive
-It was released on February 7th 2014
-It is an action/adventure game
-The platforms that it was released for are: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation®3, PlayStation®4, PlayStation®Vita, Wii U™, 3DS™ and PC.
-There are 2 game modes, single-player or multiplayer 

- Harry Potter 
- Spiderman
- Lord of the rings 
- Star Wars
- Cars

Simultaneous release benefits

-profit maximised
-extends pleasure of the film
-cross promotion

Uses & Gratifications

Entertainment because the video game will keep you busy and you'll enjoy it.

Social Interaction because you can play it with your friends and talk about it.


Poster Campaign                                                                                                            17/11/22
LO: to analyse the representation on the poster campaign

-smokey sky
-tall building
-building on fire in the shape of a bat
-low angle shot
-man in a black bat suit
-light smoke coming from behind the man
-"welcome to a world without rules." tagline
-dark colours used

-the smokey sky could suggest that a building falls down or theres a big fire
-the tall building shows this film could be set in the city which could also mean that this is an action film because they're usually set in the city
-the building on fire could foreshadow that a building catches on fire and that could be the cause of all the smoke. It could also be a very significant part of the film as that is the only bright colour in the poster, which means your attention will get drawn to it the most. Because it's in the shape of a bat this could suggest that he was the one who did it
-the low angle shot implies that the man is very powerful and strong 
-the man is most likely there because he is the hero/main character in this story, his outfit suggests that he's a superhero but because of the colour, he could be the villain since villains typically wear dark colours so he could be an anti-hero
-however, the light smoke coming from behind the man could add to the idea of him being the hero because it's white and that usually is associated with good. It also makes him stand out a lot because black and white are complete opposites and so because they're different then that will cause him to stick out and your attention gets drawn to him.
-the tagline could suggest this is set in a fantasy world but also criminality and breaking rules
-the colour palette used could suggest the film is dangerous, could be an action/adventure film

Context that the audience could bring:
-the audience could know that he is a superhero 
-they could recognise batman from other things
-they could recognise the fire in the shape of a bat and realise that's there because that is batman's symbol
-they could've seen these types of films before and know why there is smoke in the background because they know the genre of the film

The Lego Movie video game poster has lots of different characters on it, for example there is Emmett, Wyldstyle, Virtruvius, Batman, Lord Business and his robots. The specific characters show that they know how to attract their target audience, it appeals to boys and girls because of the variety of characters shown. The fact that Emmett is holding a spanner suggests that there is definitely a creative element to this game and how you have to do work to create things, it could also say that maybe you could just live a normal life and follow the instructions like Emmett used to when he was a construction worker. The different colours used also attracts their target audience (7+ age rating) because children like to see bright colours. Emmett and Wyldstyle are both smiling which could create positive atmosphere and make people want to play this game because they'll get the impression that its fun and they'll enjoy it. Because Emmett is shown at the very front obviously tells us that he is the main character and shows people that he's important and his ideas are significant to the game and the film (assuming they hadn't watched the film yet), parents might like the fact that they're sharing how everyone is different and maybe the people who are most different are the people who are more special, so this could make parents allow their children to play this game because of the overall message of the game and film. The game is great entertainment and can expand your social life because it's a good thing to talk about with friends and also play with friends because of the different modes you can play on. The fact that this game was released a week before the movie, got people talking about it a lot more and you can see that not a lot of characters are shown on the video game poster so it still doesn't give anything away about the game or movie and it would have enticed people to go play the game and watch the film when it came out.

Continued from last lesson                                                                                  24/11/22

Genre Codes & conventions: the typical features that symbolise a genre
Hybrid: when a film mixes elements of different genres
Iconography: the visual elements, like props, that help to symbolise a particular genre
Intertextuality: when the one text references another

 In the Lego Movie theatrical poster, there is an image of uni-kitty in the middle ground, this would appeal to younger children because she is a very energetic character and has the same traits as a young child so they would be able to keep up with her and everything she says. Having someone they can relate to would make them want to watch this movie. The bright colours in this poster would also attract a younger audience because they'll assume it's a very fun and colourful film which is most likely something they'd be interested in.

In the foreground of this poster is Wyldstyle, she could appeal to teens because it could be a character they like and think is cool. She also has a common style at the time the poster came out so teens who dressed the same would've been more attracted to this film as there is someone who looks like them. Other teenagers might want to watch the movie if they feel like they're a "nobody" because it could make them feel more confident, especially since a lot of teenagers are insecure and could possibly be having trouble fitting in and things like that.

The tagline of "The story of a nobody who saved everybody" could entice parents to watch the film/take their children to watch the film as it's clear that there is a nice message behind the movie and that obviously makes it seem like a good thing to let your children watch. Another thing that could make parents want to watch it is the super hero's such as: Batman, Superman, Wonder woman and green lantern. Adults might recognise these characters from their childhood and get a nostalgic feeling, making them want to watch the film.
Representation                                                                                                        08/12/22
LO: to analyse the representations throughout The Lego Movie promotional campaign

Character 1: female, she/her, white (British), straight, mental health issues, has ADHD, outgoing and popular, not that smart, always in trouble, in a toxic relationship, has trouble at home/with family
Character 2: female, she/her, Indian, bisexual, popular but quiet, smart, hardly gets in trouble, not looking for a relationship, has a full family who all love each other
Character 3: male, he/they, white (Irish), bisexual, mental health issues (but won't tell anyone), popular and loud, struggling with school, tries not to get in trouble but his friends get him in it, in a healthy relationship, has a loving mum but his dad never shows his love towards him
Character 4: male, he/his, Asian, straight, popular but follows the rules, smart, never gets in trouble, likes character 2 but won't tell her, feels very pressured by parents
Character 5: female, she/her, Black (British), straight, popular and loud, smart, gets in trouble quite often, always having boy problems but hides her emotions well, only lives with her mum but sees her dad very often

1. The elements of her that support the representations of femininity are the pink in her hair, the pink on her clothes, the make up and freckles as no other characters have freckles and her smiling in her character poster. The elements of her that don't make her seem very feminine are her angry or determined face in the main poster, and the fact that she is running in the poster as well makes her seem like she is the one who saves the day because of her face and stance, her clothes aren't very girly as they're dark and baggy. Her clothes also have colour on them which could add femininity however the style is like graffiti which gets rid of the feminine side. Her role helps bring in a wider audience because she might be a character that teenage girls relate to or want to be like, she could also be idolised by younger girls as she could be someone they want to be like when they're older. Some people might like to see a girl being so powerful in a children's film for once and so would watch it because of feminist views. 
2. She says "we would rather he died" to the police robots, we see her fighting and her saving Emmett, she is very active and takes the role of the hero by saving the boy and arriving on a motorbike that she made herself. In the video game trailer she says quite aggressive/active things, she seems very confident and we see her building and driving her motorbike, however she is represented slightly different in this trailer because at the start she has a clip of her slow motion and dreamy making her seem like the prize for Emmett which does support the stereotypical views of girls. Wyldstyle is shown more in the normal trailer than the video game one because the target audience for this game are boys and she is going to be less appealing for them.

How age is presented in the posters

Main poster- they all seem quite young as they're running and none of them have wrinkles. This supports the stereotypes of young people as they all have a lot of energy and some of them look quite scared which could imply that they're young as that is common for young people
Lord Business- we can guess that he is middle aged because he has some wrinkles like virtruvius does but he doesn't have grey hair which could mean he isn't as old but still not as young as the main characters. His age is very fitting to his character as if he was old like virtruvius then he wouldn't be able to do some of the more active things he does, like chasing Emmett and Wyldstyle. However if he was young then we (the audience0 probably wouldn't take him very seriously because we would assume that he won't know a lot and also would mean that we wouldn't think Emmett was very special for defeating him as they're the same age.
Wyldstyle- we make the assumption that she is a teenager because of her colourful hair and her slightly moody attitude at the start of the film. Her poster adds to this idea as she is wearing make-up and still has bright hair. The fact that she is smiling could also mean she is a teenager because she could be young and happy. She doesn't have any wrinkles or grey hair so we can definetly tell that she isn't old

DIRT                                                                                                                     19/01/23
LO:to review and reflect on the unit assessment and set personal targets

Question 6
For question 6 i need to revise factual information like directors or producers and terminology like tent pole production.

Question 7
For question 7 i need to revise benefits of industry processes.

Question 8
For question 8 i need to read the question properly and make 3 well explained points according to that. Mention at least 2 different products, give specific examples, show understanding of the different parts of the target audiences and how they are appealed to and use accurate and relevant media terminology
Promotional campaign: trailer, video game, posters, TV ad break, online, merchandise.

Question 9
For question 9 i need to make sure i read the question properly and answer it with things that are relevant to it.

Improved Question 8 answer
The Lego Movie promotional campaign targeted all age ranges. They did this by finding out things/stereotypes about different groups of people. For example, to target children they used bright colours and duplo characters in trailers and posters and obviously by making the whole thing out of lego. I believe that unikity is targeted towards children because because she is made out of duplo, bright colours and gas a lot of energy as we can see in the trailers and TV ad break, just like children would. She is a character they could relate to and keep up with. Unikity could be more targeted at young girls but there are plenty more examples for targeting young boys, like construction workers and potentially the fight scenes that occur occasionally.

The promotional campaign also targets older children/teens. We can see this by introducing characters that are similar to them, like Wyldstyle as she is there to attract teenage girls from what we can see in posters and trailers. Wyldstyle's style was very popular at the time the Lego Movie came out and so she could be a character that teenage girls relate to or even idolise. Her moody and independent tone is similar to how teens stereotypically act and so it could be quite comedic for parents to see which could be an example of how they target parents. They attract teenage boys in similar ways that they target younger boys, however a different way is by releasing the Lego Movie VideoGame alongside the actual Lego Movie. In the Video Game, there is a lot more violence which is what teenage boys are said to be into. 

The Lego Movie had to target parents as well because they would be the ones to take their children to go see this movie. The first way they did this was by the release date which is announced in posters and trailers which were strategically shown at perfect times for children and parents to see them. The release date was a convenient date for children to go see the movie because they wouldn't have been in school and going to cinema is an easy thing to do for an afternoon to make the day go quicker. The actors played a big part in enticing parents/adults because they were quite popular names which were shown in the trailers but primarily on the Lego Movie poster campaign. Older people would recognise the names on posters and it could make them want to go see/take their children to go see the movie. For example, Morgan Freeman and Will Ferrell would be famous names that most adults would recognise. In the movie and also displayed on the main poster, are older figures such as superman and Benny the astronaut, these super hero characters were introduced when they were children and so they would give the parents/adults a sense of nostalgia and that could make them want to see this movie or want to take their children to see it.

1. Film - BBFC
2. TV and Radio - Ofcom
3. Advertising - ASA
4. Magazine and newspapers - IPSO
5. Video games - Video standards council
Target audience:
young kids who play with lego
parents of those kids who used to play with lego
young cinema goers (15-25)

Uses and gratifications:
Personal identity - relating to the character, The Lego Movie includes a large variety of characters
Information - facts, The Lego Movie shows new characters and new worlds for the audience to learn 
Entertainment - lots of twists and actions, Emmett's attempt at humour makes the film entertaining
Social interaction - talking about it with friends, lego cards and lego game that you can play with friends

Film poster
The massive explosion behind shows us that the genre is action. The skyscrapers also show this as action films are usually based in big cities. Because Emmet is in the middle that shows he is the main character, however he is running away and looking terrified which shows an element of comedy.
We can also see that the genre is family friendly as the whole thing is made of lego and lego is seen as a children's toy.The iconography of the police helicopters in the background allude to the fact that the genre is an action adventure genre as police helicopters are usually seen in an action film.

Intertextuality - referring to a different piece of media in one piece of media
- Batman       -Superman       -Green lantern     -Wonder woman

The bright and contrasting colours appeals to children as they are bright, exciting and fun

Character poster

Morgan Freeman and Will Ferrel are actors that adults will be familiar with, parents will also know Benny the astronaut as they will recognise the character from when they used to play with lego
Chris Pratt and Elizabeth Banks are actors that teens may know
Wyldstyle subverts the stereotype of a girl as she is wearing dark colours and a tomboyish personality, she goes along with stereotypes as she is wearing make up and has colours in her hair
Virtruvius and Lord Business give off the stereotype that old people are serious and scary where as the other characters give us the stereotype that all young people are fun and exciting

Videogame trailer
All genders
Wild west
Upbeat, fun music
Driving cars
Information - 90 characters
Shows 10 different characters in a row changing setting and locations
Lots of new worlds to adventure into
Uni kity - feminine, childish
Lots of action
Just dance
Children blow away with how amazing the video game is
Lots of different versions of the video game

Lego Movie Trailer
Close up shots of the characters to introduce them to the audience
Lots of establishing shots to show all the different settings and world in the movie
Low shot of Wyldstyle and Virtruvius to show how they're respected and powerful 
The diegetic sounds show that the movie is a comedy and shows the idea that he is the hero eve though he doesn't feel like the hero
The explosions and gun shots tell us it's an action movie
The editing between shots was vey fast to show it s exciting and to build tension
The colour palette is red, yellow, blue - the red and yellow symbolises fire which s hows us the action genre

Lego Ad break
This was shown in 2014 during dancing on ice in the evening where the family would be sat down together
The lego movie and the main character is the first thing you see
British Hear Foundation (advert one) 
Separated by batman (advert two)
Separated by Virtruvius
BT Broadband (advert three)
Separated by Lord Business
Premier Inn (advert four)
Separated by Wyldstyle
Then the Lego Movie trailer
All the adverts had a comedy element to them, alluding to the genre of the film
Film - BBFC
TV & Radio - Ofcom
Advertising - ASA
Magazines & Newspapers - IPSO
Video games - Video Standards Council
Revision                                                                                                                07/05/24

target audience:
- young children who play with lego
- parents of kids who play/played with lego
- young cinema goers (15-25)

Personal identity - some audiences may identify with certain figures, seeing themselves in the character or looking up to them e.g Emmett, normal guy but hero
Information - gaining knowledge about the world around us and the characters/settings
Entertainment - escaping the real world by going into a pretend world
Social interaction - people can play the video game together meaning they're interacting with each other, as well as being able to talk to your friends about it if you have watched the movie

genre = action/comedy
1. The explosions in the background show it's an action film, as well as this we see the poster set in the city with police and helicopters surrounding, showing the genre of action
2. The poster shows an element of comedy because Emmett is seen to have a scared look on his face compared to everyone else having a serious look on their face, suggesting that emmet is a comedy character even though he is the main character
3. Intertextuality - Batman, Wonder woman, Green lantern, Super man
shows this is an action film as they have their own shows which are full of action

Media Language
Print poster: outfits, colour palette, imagery, make up, facial expressions, text (font, colour, size, type), layout
Bright primary colours that attract a younger audience 
Moving image: mise-en-scene, sound (non-diegetic and diegetic), editing, camerawork (shots, movement, angle)

Representation : stereotypes, typicality, anti-stereotypes

Video Game trailer
Fast paced editing shows the adventure and action, makes you think you could play the game for hours
Representation, two boys and one girl playing the video game, subverting stereotypes
Music is very fun sounding reflecting the contents of the game
Introducing the characters
Intertextuality -  shots of Batman, Wonder woman, Superman and Green Lantern
Comedy and action  - photocopier shot

Lego Movie trailer
Intertextuality - Batman
Plot twists, storyline, narrative
Representations  subverting stereotypes as we see Wyldstyle heavily dominating the action and being powerful
Comedy and action
At the end there is the video game advertised as well as the Facebook page - synergy of products coming together

Intertextuality - by including characters such as batman, this will attract Batman fans
Representations - by converting gender stereotypes by having a girl being string and powerful, this could appeal to young girls who want to see a strong female character
The fast paced editing appeals to younger children with a short attention span who like to see fast paced things

AD break
British Heart Foundation
BT broadband
-Lord Business
Premier Inn
Lego Movie trailer

1. There were adverts for the British Heart Foundation,, BT broadband, Premier Inn and the Lego Movie, broken up by short clips of the characters
2. This would have attracted parents to then go and take their children to go watch the movie as they would've seen the comedic effect behind changing their daily adverts for lego, which then reflects the humour in the movie
3. It broke boundaries as it was something that had never been done before and therefore nobody expected it
4. The TV ad marketed the movie through
5. The ads helped market the movie as i shows the comedy that is reflected in the movie, implying that there is something in there for everyone - not just children
6. This created a interest in social media and the news as it had never been done before and was therefore so popular as no one had expected to see it, causing people to talk about it online
7. Because they knew that it would be so popular as Lego is a well known brand, as well as the fact that it was shown on a prime time for families to be watching dancing on ice 
8. Because it made lots of money and it went straight online after being shown as it was so popular


  1. Excellent notes Brooke - you clearly understand the target audience, its appeal & the industry elements.

  2. THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes

    MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood

    VIDEO GAME Q: good detailed answer

    WWW: you identified three different elements and explained their appeal
    EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS

    POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent!
    WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal
    EBI: add an extra one - why would the tag line appeal to parents?


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