Shot Composition

LO: to understand the basic rules of shot composition                                                                23/06/22

Rule of thirds

Leading lines

Depth of field

Photographing people

-looking room 

-head room

-eye level 



My top 3 photos are 3, 6 and 8 because i think they are the most successful, in the majority of these pictures the techniques considered were perspective and looking room.


LO: to explore composition and perspective                                                           30/06/22

1. interesting texture
2. interesting pattern
3. extreme close up
4. interesting texture
5. interesting reflection
6. interesting angle
7. interesting angle 
8. interesting reflection
9. interesting angle
10. interesting angle



WWW: i think my magazine does resemble a proper magazine and i added everything i needed to
EBI: my magazine would have been better if i added more colour on the double page spread and if the layout was better and a bit more organised on the double page spread.


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