Magazine Front Covers

 28/04/22   LO: to identify the features on a magazine front cover; to explore genre codes & conventions

Masthead: The name of the magazine, usually at the top of the cover

Dateline: The date the magazine was released, usually above or below the masthead or near the barcode

Main image: The image on the front of the cover, usually in the middle

Cover lines: Small bits of information about the contents of the magazine, its around the sides of the cover

Main cover lines: Larger bits of information about an important part of the magazine, usually at the bottom of the cover

Bar code/price: The part the cashier scans/how much the magazine costs, mostly at the bottom of the page (only on magazines that are being sold in shops)

Tagline/Strapline:A slogan for the magazine, usually by the masthead

Pull quote: Short quotes of text inside or taken from an article, it's usually next to the main image


They all use similar shot types, mostly close up or a mid shot so you can see their outfits but also clearly see their face expressions. Their faces are usually serious but sometimes smiling. The colour palette is quite colourful but also neutral depending on the season for example in the spring or summer the outfits are very colourful but in autumn or winter the colours are neutral. The font types are mostly very simple apart from allure looks quite creative and childish. They are usually about celebrities wearing seasonal clothing, the people on the main image are gonna be quite popular in the fashion world at that time.


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