Media Language Analysis

                                                                                                                                     7th October 2021

LO: analyse a media text using Media Language

They have chosen to use a medium long shot so you can see his gun, holster and his facial expression. When you see a gun and a holster, most people would automatically think cowboy but his outfit and expression clearly indicates that he is not. But if you just think about the gun you will think danger, death or protection which suggests he is an assassin or agent going on a dangerous mission.

He is wearing casual clothes, like a jumper and trousers instead of his usual suit and this makes him look more like a normal person. But there are somethings that point out his wealth, like his watch, it could suggest wealthy-ness because watches can be expensive, so he obviously needs it for a reason, maybe his job needs accurate timing. He is also wearing gloves, this adds to the assassin theory and he is wearing gloves because he does not want anyone to trace his fingerprints back to him. He looks very serious and focused, he definitely does not look happy so that might make you think his job is serious and he cannot mess around. The background is painted gold, and when you think of gold you think of money, royalty, wealth and importance. He seems quite rich because of his watch and gold background which might mean his job pays well which says that it is quite difficult. He could be placed quite high up in his job and maybe the boss or something. The name 007 is painted on the background in blue writing, this could show coldness and like he shows no sympathy - he has a cold heart. 


-Car (tyres screeching and engine) to show how fast the car is going to make it more tense

-Gun shots because the genre of the film is action and that is what gun shots show

-Fighting to make it sound more violent and it adds to the genre theme

-Explosions because it also reminds us of violence and injury, makes it sound more action packed and thrilling

They keep these sounds in because it makes the film seem more tense and sound more busy, like there is a lot going on and it is very violent. They chose to keep these specific sound effects in because if you did not already know, it helps you figure out and realise what the genre is.

The transition used is it is quickly fading to black then fading back to another scene, to show a change of time. Towards the end of the trailer the pace of cuts gets faster because it builds it up, it gets more intense. Increasing the speed of the cuts makes it more exciting and makes you want to watch the film because of the tension. In a trailer they pick out the most significant and exciting bits to make you want to watch it, they are trying to sell it to you, if the pace decreased it would make it seem predictable and boring.

You can't see what she is wearing but she is wearing a flower crown, if she is wearing a crown it should be a happy occasion but her facial expression suggests different. The colours used are very calm and feminine especially using flowers, this film could be directed towards women but anyone could watch it. The fact that she is crying shows that it is a sad film and using a close up shot emphasises emotion and detail. The background is a solid dark turquoise colour which doesn't really help with annotations but it could indicate sadness because it is a shade of blue. The main font style used is quite elegant and feminine, it also helps imagine what the genre might be because its quite summer-y and calm. The other font is very fancy which shows importance or royalty. Her hair is plaited which might mean there is quite an important event or there is some action that she needs her hair out the way for. 

14th October 2021








-music going quieter or louder





Mid shot to show costumes and the characters/actors

Establishing shot to show the different places they were in

In the Dune trailer, there was a variety of different sounds, mostly music but there was some whispering or shouting. Throughout the trailer, the director uses low, dramatic music, this creates tension and suspense, especially when the music goes slower/quieter to faster/louder. Some diegetic sounds like wind, dialogue, fighting and explosions are kept in because they are significant to the genre of the film. 

The director used mostly mid shots or establishing shots. The mid shot to show the costumes or characters/actors, showing this will make more people want to watch it because if they see their favourite actors, they will most likely automatically assume that the film will be good. The other shot, establishing shot, is used to show the location of were it is set and that combined with fading to black transition it is easier to tell when the time has changed.


1:02  - The director used a mid shot to show her costume and facial expression, she looks almost mesmerised  


  1. This is an excellent first analysis Brooke! Well done.
    WWW: you've used lots of accurate terminology
    EBI: you try to use the term 'connotes' or 'connotations' as well.


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