Theoretical Framework

 LO: to apply the theoretical framework to media texts                           30th September 2021

Media Language is all the different elements used to construct any media products.

Camerawork - shot type, angle & movement

Establishing Shot - shows you where the scene is taking place

Wide Shot - places people in a scene 

Long Shot - full body shot

Medium Long shot - from the persons hair to just below their waist

Medium/Mid Shot - from the waist up, shows the person from an angle we usually see people

Medium Close Up Shot - from mid-chest to just above their head

Close Up Shot - shows just the face to see emotions and expressions

Extreme Close Up Shot - to show a specific area or an object 

Soundtrack - what is included?

Includes ALL sound heard in a film/TV show.


-Sound Effects




Diegetic - All the sound you would hear if you were in that scene

Non Diegetic - Anything that's been added that only the audience can hear

diegetic- glass breaking, gun shots, dialogue, fighting, footsteps

non diegetic- music

Mise-en-scene - what is included?

Includes everything that can be seen in a frame.




-Hair & Make up


-Actor Positioning

-Body Language and Facial Expression


Includes all the post production work on a moving image.


-Pace & Speed of cuts


-Green Screening



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